St Columba School Uniform

In 2024 the School introduced a new formal uniform across Kindergarten to Year 12. 

The most significant changes in the uniform are:

What will not change will be:

The timeline for the introduction of the new uniform will be as follows:

Note that students will not be permitted to mix and match old and new uniform items. 

Secondary School:

Please note that the compulsory uniform for senior students is the navy skirt, shorts or trousers with the striped school shirt (Years 7 to 10) and white school shirt (Years 11 and 12) and school tie, and is required to be worn for all formal school occasions and for official school photograph days. The checked dress is an optional extra and cannot be worn to formal events. 

Further Information:
For further information regarding uniform accessories and school shoes, see the link here

Junior Secondary School Uniform

Senior Secondary School Uniform