Student Technology Use

Staying Safe Online @ SCAS

School policies set clear rules for using technology, like guardrails. They help students navigate online safely and responsibly while providing guidelines for appropriate tools and actions for different learning tasks as they grow as digital citizens. 

Policies and Procedures 


How we keep Students safe online @ SCAS

The internet has become an integral place for children to learn, connect and play. Every child, no matter their age, must know they have a trusted adult to talk to about their online experiences. Schools and parents should work in partnership to help teach the children and young people in our care how to be safe online.

Digital Citizenship

A digital citizen is a person with the knowledge and skills to effectively use digital technologies to communicate with others, participate in society and create and consume digital content. Digital citizenship is about confident and positive engagement with digital technologies. Educating students about digital citizenship will allow them to develop the skills required to navigate a digital world. Digital Citizenship themes and responsibilities are explicitly taught through student Wellbeing programs.

Classroom Approach 

SCAS is committed to providing and enhancing an environment where all students, regardless of age and development, are equipped with the necessary skills to stay safe online.

Through direct instruction in Primary School, children become aware that they exist in both a physical and an online environment and learn the principles of staying cyber-safe. As they grow in their educational journey through secondary school and their exposure to the online environment expands, students are engaged in ongoing discussion and instruction regarding digital citizenship and online safety through Wellbeing programs targeted at their stage of development.

Remaining vigilant and informed are important factors in supporting those in our care to be free from cyberbullying, know how to respond to online unsafe interaction attempts, and become informed and responsible digital citizens.

SCAS is in the process of developing a multicomponent framework to ensure a coherent and comprehensive approach to the imperative of keeping our students safe online. This framework is informed by eSafety’s Best Practice Framework for Online Safety Education, an evidence-based framework developed by the Office of the eSafety Commissioner.

The eSafety website is one of a number of quality websites containing information for parents regarding the online environment and keeping their child safe. A link to this site, along with some other examples, are listed below:

At SCAS we take very seriously our responsibility to provide a child safe environment so that all of our children and young people feel safe and secure at all times and in all circumstances. Part of this commitment to child safety is in ensuring we maintain a safe online environment for our students alongside the physical environment.