
The Dawson Library provides over 30,000 resources to support and enhance learning, including books, laptops, tablets, cameras, colour and 3D printers, and other learning technologies. The Library embodies the best of traditional and contemporary education. It is an exciting, fun and welcoming place to study, work, learn and play. The Library's iAssist team will happily assist students and staff to access and use Library resources and are the first point of call for IT support.

To access the St Columba Library Catalogue, enter the username and password you use to login to the School computers.

Students can also access SCAS Library 24/7, a searchable database of information regarding the Dawson Library.

The Library is open from 8.00am each school day. Students arriving at school before 8.20am are expected to be in the Library for supervision. The Library is available for quiet study for students in Years 7 to 12 until 4:30pm Monday to Thursday and 4.00pm Friday. More information on After School Care for Primary School students is available here.

Borrowing from the Library

The SCAS Library aims to maintain an appealing and up-to-date collection of books for the school community to access. Putting a structured borrowing system in place should ensure that books are frequently circulated so that each student has the opportunity to access books they would like to read.

Library Borrowing

Books for general use may be borrowed for two weeks, with one consequent renewal period of two weeks.

  • Students in Years K to 2 can borrow two books at a time.

  • Students in Years 3 to 6 can borrow three books at a time.

  • Students in Years 7 to 12 can borrow four books at a time.

Overdue Books

Returning Library books on time is key to maintaining a vibrant collection for the school community to access. If book are lost of damaged, parents will be contacted to replace the lost or damaged book or pay a $20.00 fine.

  • You will receive communication from our Library system once your child's book is logged as overdue. You will then receive a second overdue notice if the book is still unreturned.

  • Before the end of each term a list of unreturned books will be circulated to your child's class teacher (Primary) or tutor (Secondary) to remind them to return their book/s.

  • If the book is not returned, or is missing or lost, parents will be contacted to replace the lost or damaged book, or pay a $20.00 fine.

Encyclopaedia Britannica Online

SCAS recognises the importance of providing a safe and secure platform for students to start their research for class tasks. As such, we subscribe to Encyclopaedia Britannica Online which provides hundreds of thousands of objective articles, biographies, videos, and images. Content is categorised for Primary and Middle School (Upper Primary) to ensure that students can access content appropriate to their age and comprehension.

The login details for SCAS are:

Username: scaschool

Password: britannica