Google Meet Guide
Google Meet is an interactive online video conferencing platform. This platform allows teachers to video conference with students to support their online learning.
Primary School Student Agreement - Remote Learning
Students will need to use their SCAS Google login when entering a Google Meet.
The Google Meet link is unique for your child's class and is displayed at the top of their Google Classroom.
Be sure to use the Google Chrome browser
Never share the Google Meet code with students from outside your immediate class or invite other people from outside of SCAS.
In Google Meet classrooms there are expectations;
Focus, engage and participate
Treat the session like any normal school day.
Manners are expected as is your standard of attire and attention.
Students should ensure that what is seen in the background of their video is appropriate for public viewing, i.e. they should be seated at a desk, in an office or suitable household space. Not in bedrooms and wearing smart casual clothes.
You are expected for the duration of the lesson. This IS NOT an opportunity to check-in and leave.
Video recordings, screen grabs or screen recording are not permitted. Any sharing of this material is a breach of the Student Technology Agreement and Social Media Policy.
Ensure that you have good Internet connectivity.
You are expected to participate in all activities as directed.
Notify the classroom teacher for any technical problems immediately.