Examinations and Tests

Primary School students are assessed progressively throughout each of the four terms. Assessment tasks and examinations are set for each year group throughout the term and are summarised in a Final Semester Report. All progressive reporting of student outcomes and Final Semester Reports are sent to parents via SEQTA Engage.

Years 7 to 10

Students will have progressive assessments throughout the year. Details of assessments are available in the Assessment Schedule issued near the start of each year. As per the Assessment Schedule, secondary school students will have examination periods in Terms 2 and 4.

Year 11 

Students will have formal assessments throughout the year. Preliminary Year examinations will usually occur in the last two weeks of Term 3 of Year 11.

Year 12 

Students will have end of course examinations which take place early Term 3, and trial examinations are typically held later in the Term. The external Higher School Certificate examinations usually commence in the second half of October.

Secondary School students are expected to be familiar with the Examinations Code of Conduct distributed prior to major examination periods.

Examinations Code of Conduct (Years 7-10)

The St Columba Anglican School Examinations Code of Conduct exists to ensure that those assessment tasks which are to be done individually and without assistance from others are carried out in an environment that ensures fairness and integrity:

Examinations Code of Conduct (Years 11 and 12)

The St Columba Anglican School Examinations Code of Conduct exists to ensure that those assessment tasks which are to be done individually and without assistance from others are carried out in an environment that ensures fairness and integrity: