Behaviour Expectations

General school rules ensure that our students are safe and equipment is respected. Sensible and respectful behaviour is expected when in classrooms, the playground and when using public transport. 

General Behaviour Expectations

Students in Primary School are asked to follow three basic understandings when in our playground and classrooms. This will ensure that our school is safe and fun for all: 

I care for others

I am a responsible citizen

I am an excellent learner

There are areas of school life in which there are very clear policies for all students at St Columba:


St Columba Anglican School believes that every person in the School should be valued, cared for, and safe. This means that bullying behaviour has no place in this School.

Bullying typically includes an abuse of power ( which can be based on physical, age, psychological, racial or numerical victimisation). It may include physical intimidation, violence, persistent teasing, verbal abuse, picking on someone over a period of time or deliberately marginalising a fellow student and is a problem that causes serious distress. Therefore, the issue of bullying is the responsibility of everybody in the School. This should be understood, freely talked about and worked at so that all students feel safe and comfortable at school. 

Reporting Bullying

Students and their parents/guardians are sometimes reluctant to pursue bullying incidents for fear that it will only make matters worse. A key part of the School's bullying prevention and intervention strategy is to encourage reporting of bullying incidents as well as assuring students who experience bullying (and parents/caregivers) that: bullying is not tolerated within the School, their concerns will be taken seriously, the School has a clear strategy for dealing with bullying issues, and follow-up communication is provided.

Bullying incidents can be advised to the School verbally or in writing through any of the following avenues: informing a trusted teacher, using the '' email address, informing a student’s teacher or the Secondary Dean of Students, Primary Director of Wellbeing, Head of School, Principal or School Chaplain. 

Bullying behaviours vary enormously in their extent and intent, and, as a consequence, each incident needs to be dealt with on its facts. In all circumstances, the School:


St Columba Anglican School has a zero-tolerance approach to any form of racism. Negative comments, marginalisation, ostracism, vilification, exclusion from activities and games, inappropriate physical contact based on or related to race or culture are indefensible and cannot be tolerated. Students who indulge in racism will be counselled, and sanctions may be applied.

Sexual Harassment

St Columba Anglican School is committed to providing all staff and students with a working and learning environment free from sexual harassment.

Courtesy and Inappropriate Language   

Students at St Columba Anglican School are expected to interact with each other, staff, visitors, parents/caregivers and volunteers in a positive manner. All St Columba Anglican School community members are expected to acknowledge courteous behaviour, including “please” and “thank you” when making requests and using names and titles whenever they are known. All forms of inappropriate language are discouraged. Students ignoring common courtesy will be corrected, and those using profane language will be warned once before becoming subject to the School’s Disciplinary Procedures.

Digital Citizenship

A digital citizen refers to a person who has the knowledge and skills to effectively use digital technologies to communicate with others, participate in society and create and consume digital content. Digital citizenship is about confidence and positive engagement with digital technologies. By educating students about digital citizenship, they will have the opportunity to develop the skills required to navigate a digital world. Digital Citizenship themes and responsibilities are explicitly taught through student Wellbeing programs. 

The following policies guide students and digital citizenship. 

Digital Citizenship in Primary School

While at school, student activity on the school network and internet may be monitored. Any student activity in the SCAS Google Education Suite can be monitored and reviewed. This includes emails or communications sent while students are connected to other networks. IMessage or chat apps can only be used within a supervised class activity. Devices that record images or sound must only be used for learning purposes. Devices containing inappropriate or offensive material will be confiscated, and their owner’s parents/caregivers will be informed. 

Social networks are dynamic, positive and connective when used appropriately. Social media terms and agreements generally exclude students from under 13 years accessing their services. At SCAS, we safely utilise selected social media to enhance teaching and learning. In these cases, students can use these secure services below 13 years. 

Consequences of a Breach of Policy

A breach of the BYOT, ICT or Social Media Policies will result in disciplinary action in line with Discipline Procedures. Consequences could include closely supervised technology access, a behavioural contract or a technology ban.

Mobile Phones and Personal Technology Devices 

The School discourages students from bringing mobile phones and personal technology devices to the School. The School cannot accept liability for lost, damaged, or stolen devices and students who bring these items to school do so at their own risk.

Mobile phones, iPods etc., that come to the attention of members of staff during normal school days will be immediately confiscated and will remain in safe-keeping until the end of the day. Mobile phones are also not permitted on Primary School excursions (including HRIS). In the case of an emergency, the SCAS administration will communicate with teachers and parents/caregivers.

The use of any device which records images or sound must be for learning purposes only. Recording images for any other purpose is not permitted, and students should not be accessing these devices during the school day. This includes 'toys' such as children's smartwatches and phones with recording capability. Devices containing inappropriate or offensive material will be confiscated and their owner’s parents/caregivers informed.

Prohibited Items and Substances

The following items must not be brought onto the school campus or to any Outdoor Education event at any time: Alcohol, tobacco, cigarette lighters, e-cigarettes (vapes), any illegal substance, aerosol sprays (including deodorant sprays), chewing gum or bubble gum, liquid paper (in bottles), any item designed to shock or injure other students, knives, water pistols and any other projectile weapons, razor blades, skateboards and rollerblades (unless required for sport), laser pointers, medications (both prescription & non-prescription) that have not been approved for self-administration.

Physical Contact

Uniform Guidelines

You can find a detailed explanation of our Uniform Policy here. In general:

In Secondary School, the following processes are in place for multiple uniform infractions:

Out of Bounds areas 

The following areas are out of bounds for all students unless express permission is given from a teacher:

School Bus Behaviour Expectations