Stationery and Book Supplies

Primary School

Students in the Primary School have their compulsory textbooks and exercise books ordered in bulk by the School, and the cost for these is included in the Camp, Activity and Resource (CAR) Fee each year.  Parents will need to purchase items for general class use. Please find a list of resources required for each year level linked below.

Primary School Resource List 2024

Secondary School

For a complete list of books, eBooks, stationery and electronic subscriptions required for students, please follow the links below: 

Students in Secondary School are required to provide their own textbooks and stationery. Secondary School textbooks can be ordered online through Five Senses Education.

Books and eBooks

This year, textbooks and eBooks may be ordered online through Five Senses Education.  Alternatively, textbooks can be ordered through other suppliers or obtained second-hand. Parents may also wish to check the Facebook group The SCAS Exchange for second-hand items. Instructions on how to order books through Five Senses are linked here:

Five Senses Ordering Instructions for Year 7 to Year 11 2024

Five Senses Ordering Instructions for Year 12 2025


Stationery is not available through Five Senses but can be purchased locally. 

Electronic Subscriptions

Some subjects require the purchase of electronic subscriptions through digital services such as Education Perfect, Edrolo or Atomi. The School will purchase these subscriptions, and parents will pay via the Parent Portal. Parents will be notified when payment becomes due.

Books and Stationery Expectations