Medical Information and Medications

General Medical Information

To ensure that the School has up-to-date contact and medical details for all students, we would appreciate parents and caregivers accessing these records on the Parent Portal and making any changes or additions required for the start of each school year.

There will be occasions when the administration of medication is necessary to support students. All prescribed medications for all students are kept securely in the First Aid room. It is the responsibility of students to present themselves at the appropriate time for their medication. A record will be kept of times and quantities of medication given. 

Regular Medication Administration

Kindergarten to Year 12

Regular medication can be administered to Primary and Secondary students under the direction of the student's medical practitioner and parents. The school requires a script from the Doctor which must include the student's name, medication and dosage on the original medication packaging. The parent must advise in writing when they would like the school to administer this medication. If the parents wish to stop or reduce the medication administration, they must advise the school in writing. For any dosage increases, not specified on the script, the school requires an updated script from the student's medical practitioner.

Due to the increasing number of students who require regular medications to be administered at school, we ask that parents of students requiring regular medications supply the school with a webster pack.

As Required Medication Administration

(Pain relief medication – Paracetamol and Ibuprofen)

Kindergarten to Year 6

Students in primary school cannot be administered pain relief medication at the request of their parents, unless:

The student has had a previous injury (i.e., fracture) and may require paracetamol or ibuprofen on their return to school. The student's parents are required to send an email or write a signed note outlining the medication, dosage and times required for administration. The medication supplied must be standard over-the-counter pain relief medication suitable for the age group. 

Under the discretion of the Head of Primary School and approval from parents for individual cases.

The school only offers paracetamol and Ibuprofen in tablet form. If the student is too young or unable to swallow the tablet, parents must provide the preferred alternative and additional information may be required. (As this is dependent on the child's weight, the parent must advise either the dosage requirement or the student's weight in writing.)

Year 7 to Year 12

Paracetamol or Ibuprofen can be administered to Secondary at the discretion of First Aid Officers/Teaching Staff and parents.

If the student is under 14 years of age:

If the student is over 14 years of age:

As Required Script Medication

Kindergarten to Year 12

From time to time, students may require medication prescribed by their medical practitioner but are well enough to be at school. In these circumstances, First Aid Officers may administer provided:

Any situations that arise outside of these criteria will require approval from the Principal.

Please note: No students are permitted to self-medicate at any time.

To assist with your child's medical needs, we ask that all medications and related equipment (i.e. EpiPens, spacers for asthma etc.) be brought to the First Aid room on the first day of the school year. It is expected that all antihistamines, EpiPens and other medications have expiry dates covering the entire year. All medications should be accompanied by an up-to-date Action Plan or letter from your child's doctor outlining your child's condition, medications and/or treatment options. Student medications should be collected on the last day of school each year. If you have any enquiries, please email our first aid room.


Anaphylactic students are required to have two EpiPens/Anapens for school use. One EpiPen/Anapen travels to and from school, and a spare EpiPen/Anapen, any prescribed antihistamine medication and their Action Plan for Anaphylaxis is held by the school for emergency purposes. We recommend our Stage 1 students have their EpiPen/Anapen on them at all times, worn in an EpiPen pouch or similar holder. These students are also required to have identification in the form of white cording on their school hats (see photo below), which can be purchased from fabric stores. Students are permitted to wear a Medi-Alert bracelet if deemed necessary.

Is St Columba Anglican School a nut-free school? 

The general banning of foods or food products in schools is not recommended by health experts as there is a lack of evidence to suggest that banning a food from entering a school helps reduce the risk of anaphylaxis. The school cannot guarantee a school site is nut or allergen-free (eggs, seafood, etc), and such a claim may lead to a false sense of security about exposure to irritants.

The following guidelines are in place:

Primary School

Secondary School