Attendance and Absences

To maximise learning opportunities, students must attend School regularly and be punctual for all lessons. Students are required to be at School at least 5 minutes before the start of classes and will not be allowed to leave School before the formal close of lessons unless consent is given by parents/caregivers. 

To support parents/caregivers and fulfil our duty of care to students, the School will contact families when concerns about unexplained attendance arise, e.g. after an extended unexplained absence or frequent late arrivals. Parents/caregivers may be asked to attend a meeting to discuss ways to ensure consistent attendance. 

Requests for extended absences of 10 school days or more or early term departure must be addressed in writing to the Principal. To reduce the number of interruptions to the programme, parents/caregivers are encouraged to arrange medical appointments and other student engagements outside of school hours wherever possible. 

Lack of engagement with school or anxiety about attending school can be a complicated issue to address. The School would like to support families to ensure that students establish and maintain good attendance and are happy and settled. Early communication about anxiety or non-engagement is vital to maximising student learning and well-being. Extended unexplained absences will be followed up by classroom teachers, Year Patrons and Heads of Wellbeing, who may also involve the local Police Liaison Officer.


By NSW State law, absence from school for any period during the day requires a letter of explanation from a parent or guardian.

Absence for an entire day/s:

Parents/caregivers are requested to notify the school via the "Absence" link on the Engage Parent Portal (either on the desktop or phone App). You can report student absences, late arrivals, and early departures via the absence feature, found in the left-hand menu.

Key Points:

How to Use:

You can, if you prefer,  email us at to advise us of absences, early departures or late arrivals.

Extended Leave

It is understood that no family intends to cause disruption to their child’s learning or school life when extra holidays are planned. Here is some information for families when planning for holidays so the school’s position can be considered. It is important to note that the submission of a student's Application for Extended Leave does not mean the leave will be approved, with any decision being at the discretion of the School Principal. Parents need to be aware of the “Attendance” requirements of the School Education Act 1999, particularly Section 23.

It is important that families consider the following issues when arranging holidays outside of school holiday times.

If you would like to submit an application for extended leave, please complete the Application for Extended Leave of a Student. You can email the form to, or you can print it and drop it off at the Front Office Reception.

Requests for Substitute Work

Substitute work can be arranged ahead of time if a student is going to be absent for a week or longer due to illness or other unplanned absences. Please note that teachers may require one week's notice for this to be organised.

It is students' responsibility to ensure they adequately catch up on all missed work as soon as possible following their return to school.

For information regarding late arrival and early departure procedures, click here.

My child was absent today. Why didn't I receive an SMS notification?

If you've already emailed to advise the school that your child was absent, the Attendance Office will have verified the absence already — there is nothing more you need to do!

Otherwise, there may have been an error with our roll marking. Please email so we can sort this out for you.

My child wasn't absent today but I received an SMS notification — why?

How frustrating! Please email and let us know so we can sort this out for you.